Upcoming Projects

We are committed to providing captivating content across a range of platforms, encompassing digital and broadcast media. Our focus lies in crafting top-notch visuals, captivating entertainment, and enlightening programming that connects with diverse audiences on a global scale.

Queen of the Cul de Sac

Reality Series

Five women in Atlanta, Queens who believe in community with a purpose, set out to show that they can balance their busy work and home lives, find ways to stay involved in their communities, and work together through it all. At least that's the goal; or is there just one too many Queens in this castle? Either way, they'll have finding out. ​


They aren't necessarily housewives; they’re Queens, and they always keep it REAL. ​​In a world of self-proclaimed “bosses” and “self-made successes”, women who are “about their business “ are a dime a dozen. But is it all just talk, or are there women out there who can walk the walk...can they wear the crown with ease?​​These women set out to prove that they’re truly queens at heart, and real queens aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty. ​​History depicts Queens as beautiful, caring, and elegant women with the power to move mountains. What history doesn’t tell you is what happens when they’re all in one room. ​​This could be a brilliant meeting of the minds, an opportunity to create an even bigger impact. Or it could be a battle of power, waiting to happen. Which path will they choose?

Be the change. Be the influence.

Be the force that pushes everything forward. Be the FACTOR.